Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Chapter 11: Audiovisual Technologies

One traditional technology I could use in the classroom is audio cassette tapes.  These are extremely useful because they allow students to record themselves, such as reading a story, and then play it back to listen.  If the students can hear for themselves what they sound like when they are reading, it may make it more obvious to the individual student what areas of reading out loud they need to work on.
An emerging audio technology that I would find useful is internet radio. This can be used to listen to everything from music during free time to National Public Radio (NPR) for older students.  There are also stories available through these, and that is better for younger students to listen to and follow along.

A traditional visual technology I lean towards is the bulletin board. While computers and the internet are valuable resources, it is hard to present certain information that way. Making vocabulary word or birthday bulletin boards will always come before the internet for me.
An emerging visual technology I found to sound useful is the internet photo galleries or clip art. For most students, it is easier to learn when information can be associated with pictures. If the pictures are scrolling through while a teacher or professor is talking about the same information, it will create associations for the students to help them remember better.

Chapters 6: Digital Technologies in the Classroom

I would much rather work in a classroom that had more technology available for the students to use.  Technology has become a staple in most people's lives, from cell phones to computers, and it would be much easier to teach students if that had that accessible at their fingertips. The ability to use technology is a huge prerequisite for careers and career advancement now, so the children need to learn young the importance of it.

Today, there is such a wide availability of different forms of technology, at different price points, that it is important to keep a budget for such items. Technology is useful for learning needed typing, researching, and word processing skills. The technology also comes in many forms, from laptops to smartboards. These technologies do not only advance the personal skills of a student, but they also make learning more accessible